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Municipal Tenders

Bidding Opportunities

Thank you for your interest in working with the Municipal District of Opportunity!

The Municipal District of Opportunity (hereby referred to as “MD”) recognizes that we work with a variety of contractors, with an assortment of skills and competencies. The MD strives to evaluate all contractors' bids fairly.  

The MD is committed to creating and maintaining a high level of confidence in its procurement of goods and services, by ensuring integrity, transparency, accountability, efficiency, and consistency in its procurement process, while recognizing the vast impact procurement has on the environment and acting within its authority under the Municipal Government Act, the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT) the Trade, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement (TILMA) and the MD’s Procurement Policy.

Evaluation Criteria

The MD reserves the right not to accept the lowest bid, but all factors need to be fully considered in determining the best value.  The completion of the Evaluation Criteria form is required and does not imply any commitment or right to work for the MD. 


If you have questions about a specific bid opportunity, please direct your inquiry to the contact person listed in the bid document.


The MD maintains its Approved Contractor List for the sole use and benefit of the MD. The information collected through this package is being collected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.   If you have any questions about the protection of this information, contact our FOIP Coordinator at 780-891-3778.  

Meeting Minutes and Agendas
Title Number Posted Closing Description Documents
Wabasca Lagoon Fence Tender UT036 10 Mar 2025 3:40 PM 27 Mar 2025 11:00 AM

The Municipal District of Opportunity No. 17 

Wabasca Lagoon Fencing – Contract 01-2025


Sealed quotations marked “MD of Opportunity – Tender for Construction – Wabasca Lagoon Fencing” will be received via email to up to 11:01:00 AM LOCAL TIME, Thursday, March 27, 2025.


The scope of work for this project includes, but is not limited to, the following:


  • Supply and install chain link fencing around the Wabasca Lagoon.


Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall supply all materials necessary to complete the Work.     A complete job is called for, therefore any labour, material, equipment, tool or incidental item not specifically mentioned, but necessary for completeness will be considered incidental to the Work and no separate or additional payment will be made.


Tender documents are available by emailing a request to 


Contracts will only be awarded to Bidders who, prior to the time fixed for receiving quotations, possess a Certificate of Recognition (COR) or Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR), which is relevant to their industry and which is recognized by Alberta Employment and Immigration and Workplace Health and Safety. The owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.


Inquiries can be directed to;


Earl Gullion

Director of Utilities

Municipal District of Opportunity No. 17

P.O. Box 60, 

Wabasca, AB

T0G 2K0

Phone: 780-891-3778