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Child Care

The Municipal District of Opportunity offers accredited Child Care, one location in Wabasca, AB and one location in Red Earth Creek, AB.

Opportunity Daycare    
Wabasca, AB T0G2K0

Opportunity Daycare
Red Earth Creek, AB

Quality child care is essential to the development and well-being of children, families and communities. Quality child care must meet the physical, social, intellectual, creative and emotional developmental needs of children.
The M.D. of Opportunity believes it has a role in ensuring quality child care is available to their communities.
Child Care staff are certified and qualified individuals and include a Child Care Director, Child Care Supervisor, and Child Care Workers.

Any questions or inquiries can be forwarded to the Child Care Director, located Opportunity Daycare (780) 891-1090. For any after hour emergencies please contact 780-891-8039

Daycare Age Groups

6-months-11 months (Not accepting at this time)

12 Months - 22 Months

19 Months - 28 Months

29 Months - 35 Months

3 years - less than 4.5 years

4.5 years - 5 years old


Promoting Early Learning and Educational Activities

Encouraging Social and Emotional Development

Arts and crafts

Group games

Story time

Field Trips

Ages and Stages Developmental Screening Tool

Program Locations & Hours

Opportunity Daycare

Red Earth Creek

111 Sandy Lane

Opportunity Daycare
Wabasca, AB
104 Opportunity Drive

Child Care Hours
Monday to Friday
7:45 am - 5:15 pm


Child Care Closures

If a child care program must close during the day due to any situation where the health and safety of the children are at risk, the parents will be notified and must pick up their children immediately.

Child Care Programs are closed on all statutory holidays, also includes one Professional Development Day quarterly. 

Parent Fees

Child Care

Parent fees are the lesser of:
· Full rate ($1000.00) or minus Government Subsidy.

Fee schedule for Child Care Programs

12 mo-4.5 year old

M.D Rates
First Child$1000.00
Second Child$1000.00
Drop in$  47.62 per day


  • Submit application with $100 deposit fee per child
    Refundable if child is withdrawn with 1 month notice in advance and all fees are paid.
  • Registration form must be completed at child care center once child is accepted.
  • Fees must be paid by the 1st of the month.
  • Drop-in child only accepted if room is available.


Example for Child Care:
No subsidy: $47.62 x 21 = $1000.00
Full subsidy: Based on income (0-49,999-100% ) Infant (18m and under)=Ranges from  $741 - $408- Preschool 19 months and up- Ranges from $644-$354


Government Subsidy

Government subsidy is based on parent income and will vary from the maximum amount to zero. Please ensure you enter the full rate ($1000.00 when applying. Parents that qualify for provincial subsidy may apply and must complete all required paperwork.  MD Full  Rates will be applicable until the provincial subsidy comes into effect or if it is not received at any time. Consult the Alberta Affordability Grant for Child Care Programs.