Angela Lightning
Director Of Recreation & Culture
Office Phone: 780-891-2659
Cell: 780-909-8203
Toll Free: 1-888-891-2659
Duties of the Recreation & Culture Department include:
- Recreation Facility Operations
- Facility and Hall Bookings
- Outdoor Seasonal Parks
- Facility Maintenance
- Campground Maintenance
Sports and Activities
We are involved in many aspects of the communities lives from traditional sports:
- hockey,
- volleyball,
- swimming,
- soccer,
- baseball,
- tennis,
- football,
- dance,
- canoeing,
- yoga
Our goal is to get everyone in the community moving.
It is our desire to help people move in the direction of a healthier, happier lifestyle.
Whether we are helping families:
- spend more time together,
- relaying practical nutritional information,
- creating fitness routines,
- making being active fun and easy
Much of our time is spent in this area more so as a result of then as planned.
Through sports and activities people foster sportsmanship, fair play, and commitment.
The more a person uses our facilities the greater their respect and community spirit.
Through mentorship our employees and volunteers gain pride, reliability, and responsibility.
Though not in our current plan we recognize the importance and need to foster cultural activities.
As such we are in the initial stages of developing cultural direction.
Focusing on the fore mentioned the M.D. of Opportunity’s Department of Recreation will provide our communities with the tools needed to be healthy, active, and successful.
Our aim is to grow a stronger community by assisting all residents as they: